Our Consulting Process
At regenmakerâ„¢ we use a clear and efficient 3-phases / 6-step consulting process shown in the figure below, which gives you transparency and continuous progress reporting you can track. We are results oriented and take pride in ensuring customer satisfaction with every project.
We start the discovery phase with an Initial Briefing Meeting (IBM) where you brief us on your issue or challenge, we brief you on our expertise and process so you get to know us better and we both check if there is a compelling match to proceed further.
A subsequent meeting will then be planned with key stakeholders in order to Understand & Define (U&D): Understand the issue / challenge, Define the problem accurately, Set the Problem & Solution ownership and Define the goals & KPIs. This will enable us to set-up the proposal and consultancy project contract.
In the Design phase we start with detailed Diagnosis, Investigation and Analysis (DIA): Diagnosing the problem/challenge, Investigating the options, Analyzing the circumstances & consequences (i.e. implications) and do the necessary Research (if needed).
We then proceed to Develop a solution: Solution finding, developing & selecting Intervention options / initiatives, Implementation Plan, or - if requested so - as a minimum an Assessment Protocol and a Recommendation Report.
In this final phase, the measures (interventions) are implemented according to recommendation or implementation plan. This can be done:
a) by the client alone (perspective mode or bronze level)
b) jointly by the client with monitoring and guidance of the consultant (mixed mode or silver level)
c) under the full responsibility of the consultant (expert mode or gold level)
Finally the effectiveness of the Implementation is evaluated, the set goals and KPIs are verified and the results are measured.
Pricing & Payment Options
Per diem rate
Pay per day (rate depends on type of work)
Ideal for Collaboration type of consultancy in early stages. Pay-as-you-go
Ideal for well-defined workshops and seminars
Fixed rate or Flat rate
Project lump sum based on overall time and effort estimation.
Requires accurate, jointly defined scope, goals, KPI and milestones
Down payment 30%. Partial invoices issued at reaching milestones
Benefits: Predictable & budget-able. You know exactly what it will cost you.
Retainer fee
Monthly retainer fee guaranteeing an amount of work per month
Ideal for ongoing work in a long-term relationship. Min 6 months term. No need for repeated contracting.
Benefits: Predictable costs as OPEX. Consultant guarantees his continuous availability. Discounted rate.
Performance based
Starter fee as down payment
Payment dependent on achieving different levels of results
Ideal for ROI based high project investment justification
Risk & reward sharing
Minimal starter fee as down payment
% sharing of revenues, profits, commissions or equity
Ideal for startups & entrepreneurs with a partnership relation to the consultant who acts as a business angel