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"Boost your sales revenues in 90 days"


Many high tech companies selling B2B are facing tough challenges nowadays. Their hardware (HW) products are being standardized & consumerized, hence becoming commodity and are facing enormous price pressure from Far East me-too manufacturers squeezing margins to an extreme. Their software (SW) products have by nature a very short life cycle catching up with ongoing innovations in IT performance like LAN/WAN/Internet speed, CPU power and memory capacities, which follow Moore’s exponential law. And this life cycle does not match the customers’ buying cycles and speed. Finally their hosted/managed services (SV) offerings aka “Cloud Services” are game changing and not so easy to sell.


Business-to-Business (B2B) sales are complex sales involving much more decision makers & influencers, are more solutions oriented and require different sales strategies, techniques and skills, than transactional Business-to-Consumer (B2C) sales.

On the other hand, the buyers are becoming more educated & informed than ever before and are nearly 60% through their purchase process before their first contact with a supplier, rendering the commonly used solution selling and consultative selling approaches in most cases irrelevant.

Should technology (whether HW, SW or SV) be sold by technical people - engineers or technicians made sales people - or by sales professionals - with deep technical product training or support from technical specialists? What skills are needed nowadays to build a top performing sales force selling technology? What processes and systems are needed for sustainable high sales performance? Should marketing and sales work independently or co-operatively? How? Is the carrot & stick, hire-and-fire sales management working for technology sales, or is a different method needed? Finally, how can I grow my sales revenues substantially and stay ahead of my competitors in such a challenging climate?


Are you facing these specific problems today?

  • Difficulty forecasting accurately and/or reaching your sales target regularly

  • Your sales cycles seem too long

  • Difficulty closing opportunities

  • Your sales pipeline is full of stalled opportunities


Do you need to remarkably grow your stagnating or plunging sales revenues and make your roller coaster shaped sales revenue curve smoother, more predictable and repeatable, but don’t really know where to start? We can help!


This 90-day customized holistic Sales Performance Improvement (SPI) program aims at doubling one or several of your key sales metrics & indicators:


Double your Average deal size

Double your Conversion & closing rate

Double your Sales cycle speed

Double your New customer acquisitions rate


. . . and hence, it will boost your sales performance remarkably.




















We use is a flexible framework consisting of Assessment, Analysis, Initiatives, Toolkits, Training and dedicated Coaching, which is fine-tuned to your specific situation.


We analyze and optimize three key areas: Strategy, People and Process. For optimizing the sales Process, we follow the well-proven REGEN™ methodology.


Typical milestones


IBM         Initial Briefing Meeting (get to know each other and check for match)

U&D       Understand & Define the scope > Proposal > Contract > Project Start

15 days  Entry assessment done, recommendation protocol ready, implementation plan agreed upon

30 days  Strategy refined, Message & UVP defined

60 days  Sales team trained & coached

80 days  Process, Tools & Initiatives implemented and used

90 days  Exit assessment done, improvement measured and presented


Our success is by moving YOUR sales needle. We agree upfront what sales metrics you want to enhance, agree to a reasonable expectation, and then put together a customized plan to make it happen. 


Investment: Retainer fee + results-oriented compensation


Return on investment: Remarkably enhanced sales revenues within 90 days


Ask for a free initial briefing meeting, so that we can understand your needs >>> contact us


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